Shipping Policy

After receiving the sales order from you, we will ship out the parcel in 1-3 working days. Once the parcel is shipped, an email with tracking information will be sent to you. And we apologize in advance that once the parcel is shipped, we are not able to manage or estimate the delivery schedule since it is under 3rd party courier company management.

Before the parcel is shipped, we will ensure that it is well packed. However, there are always some circumstances that happened to cause parcel damaged.

When your parcel arrives with signs of loss or damage, we strongly recommend opening the parcel while the delivery man is still present. After that, please sign for as “Damaged,” otherwise any claim for damage might be rejected by the courier company.

Even though we are not responsible for the damaged parcel, we will help to settle for you as possible as we could. Two things you have to keep in mind are: take a photo of the damaged parcel upon receipt and notify us within 24 hours of receiving your parcel.

On the other hand, start from the date of ship out, if you never receive your parcel within 7 days, please kindly contact us for lost parcel report. We will try to check the status of your parcel with the courier company.

Please kindly take note that a claim procedure depends on the specific courier company.